Sunday, September 27, 2015

Chill out- enjoy the moment ๐Ÿ’Ÿ

So many times I get asked if I get jeolous over other Woman around my Husband. Simply, the answer is No. He is very Handsome and personable, he is easy to talk to and makes everyone feel special. This is only some of what made me fall in love with him. I explained to a Woman after she couldn't comprehend why I just didn't get upset over flirtatious hugs or what not, That it is just this simple:
The worse that that could happen is he would leave me, his children, and run off with 'fling girl'; and that would just suck. But, who am I to tell him what he needs or what is good for him? If he feels another woman and life is better than what he has, then peace out. I am not going to waste my energies on negative thoughts that will eventually eat my soul.
Of course I would be hurt, it would destroy the children, and there would be a time of healing. But that is an extreme case- if he 'chooses' to leave us. At the end of the day, a flirtatious hug or a friendly peck on the cheek more than likely isnt going to kill our mariage or what we've built together. 
Now, I can feel this way because my Husband has never done anything for me to distrust him; although other men have, he is not them, and he deserves for me to base my trust in him on his actions, not those of my past.
So for any woman out there who may get all worked up over every little thing, and your Man honestly has not done anything to cause distrust in him, just relax and enjoy your Man๐Ÿ’–
If there is distrust in the relationship, then by all means if you question their intentions, then talk about it. But even then don't jump the gun, give time for the trust to rebuild๐Ÿ’ž

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Let's be honest...

No, really. I'll never understand why most humans choose lies over truth when our hearts crave truth so much.

Here is a story about yours truly to use as an example of what I mean.....

When I first met my now Husband, the first things I told him when he gave me his shit eating grin and his best attempt at a pick up line, was that he did not want anything to do with me. It was more of a warning, for his sake not mine. I had enough on my plate and no time or room to intertain his interest, and I told him that. He did not seem to mind, he was honest and said "well then you'd be the perfect one night stand, a woman like you would make me crazy to get involved in".  For the first time in a very long time I laughed, genuinly laughed. He caught my attention againts all attepts I made to not let that happen. So I continued.....layed All my baggage on him, warned him again about what he was stepping in to....

Now I do this "laying it all on the table"  in all situations & in my daily communications. My reason is simply, as long as the other person knows very clearly where you are coming from and where you stand, they have all the tools they need to make what ever decission is best for them. It works in idol chitchat, or in deeper conversations that involve change...and everywhere in between.

Back to my story- if I would have been coy and manipulative with him in the beginning, the outcome would have lead to him be greatly pissed and angry with me. Leaving my guilt to consume me. He would be in  the right to feel that way if things didnt go as planned.

Now that i was honest upfront, he could only be "butthurt" if things didnt work out, because he had all the info he needed in order to make the decision to take a risk with me...and when taking a risk it is natural to feel hurt if your risk falls through.....get it?

Telling the truth upfront is ALWAYS the best way. Doesn't mean it is easy or doesn't sting, but is the best way.....come on I mean when we have good news we are truthful about it and feel free and proud and happy to share it.  It is weak of us to only want to feel the good in life, and hide behind the lies in order not to feel the pain.

 Living is about feeling. Feeling every emotion from love, fear, hurt, sorrow, joy, the list goes on and
on...... They strengthen us. Lies only bring guilt, stress regret etc etc.... These can truly eat your soul up, and tear you down. No one wants to really feel this way.

So after my hippy rant of peace, truth, love and happiness - please take this home with you:  be truethful to yourselves so you can be truethful to others. Life is SO much easier that way ๐Ÿ’—

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Embrace your Season

I am having so much fun in this Season of my life!
I am married, have the family I have always dreamed of, stay home and care for my children and here when my husband gets home. I have so much joy in putting my Children and Husband before me, this is where I want to be and these are the times I am going to miss when the 'nest is empty'.

Raising my family, teaching them lessons of life and good old fashioned courtesy, guiding them and watching them grow,adapt and change into who they will become as adults

I find joy in cleaning my childrens rooms to help them out, I rarely pick up after them, I make them do for themselves, so when I do lend a hand I enjoy it other then despise it.

Growing closer to my Husband everyday and always discovering something new about him, whether it is a new point of view, new thought or a change in heart or new direction he wants to take. I am here with him everyday, facing challanges life has thrown our way with him, beside him. Believe me, life can get challanging. But I embrace it all. All of it is a Blessing.

When growing up,  if anyone asked what I was going to be when I grow up, very simple- I was going to be a mom with lots kids and animals! (well..1 preschooler, 2 teens and 8 pets is working out pretty well for us!) and I was also going to be an actress like Alyssa Milano from 'Who's the boss' ....and that is coming along slowly simply because all of my full devotion right now is on my Children and Husband...soon our children will be older and not so dependant on me and beginning their own life's journey and I will have plenty of free time to further pursue acting.....dedication to acting is in another season for me.

So what ever Season of Life you are in, Embrace it. Enjoy every minute and find the beauty and joy of it. If you do that, it will be easier to get over the hurdles as well. God Bless, and Thanks for reading!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

New Traditions

When I ask my children what is the one most wonderful thing they want for Christmas, their response not so much suprises me, but warmed  my heart. They simple want to be around the family....

They wanted to have all of us together Christmas Eve, to celebrate by making goodies with Grammy, having Grandpa toss the football...(yes even in the cold) and my son, wants to play Christmas music with his saxaphone on the corner of the street while his sisters hand out candy canes.

They want to wake up and have  a wonderful lazy breakfast in Pj's Christmas shows all day....

I asked about gifts.

They do not want anything. Well.......ofcours they are kids and would like something.....(so dad and I will take care of that jan...)

My son brought the suggestion to me to give any amount the three kids would have received on small gift items and buy for a Salvation Army angel, .. so I pulled a name from the tree at our Church. The girls are excited to give to a 9 year old they do not know..Joey is incharge of new sneakers because he knows all about good sneakers...

They said, they know how hard their Dad (they referr to their stepdad as Dad) and Grandpa work, and there is not a gift they want to receive more than just seeing them get to enjoy their families and "be lazy" for once......... I know it may seam like I am making this up...if you know my children then you know  I am not.

So.......since we are crafty, the kids and I all decided to only give true handmade gifts. Even for the little one. Ava who is just 3, is currently making all of her handmade gifts for her family..and they are simple, hand painted figures and drawings....but I have never seen so much love pour into a gift as she tells me about the person she is making it for.

I mentioned January.

Seeing how genuine their hearts are in truly wanted this Christmas to be all about family and the Spirit of Christmas, My husband and I decided to give them a little back for their kindness and sincerity. We thought we would take them after New Year to get themselves each something they really wanted, bonus, it will be on sale :)

As for Santa,
If he should decide to pop in........ well...he is always welcome in our home ;)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Stay true to yourself

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in situations and slowly become morphed into someone else, not even being aware of the changes that have gone on with us. I have seen it happen time and again,  people loose who they are even the best of people with good intentions. It is so important to alway maintain your own identity, and not become your environment or your status. People have perceptions to everything, it is easy to  feel obligated to living up to the way others view us, I feel that is an exhausting and false way to live....out of touch with reality. 

Every now and then it is healthy to step back and take a good look at ourselves and how we are handling our 'day to day' experiences, you would be suprised how many times you may say 'wow, I could have handled this in such a better way' keeps our eyes and mind open to not falling into a rut and keeps us true to ourselves. So be selfish today, and spend some time reconnecting with who you are :)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Goodnight Monday hello Friday?

Where did the rest of the week go? Ever have those weeks that just fly by? I can not think of one thing productive I did this week.....all I know is it was  Monday night, and now it is Friday morning...wierd. Feel like I must have been in a walking zombie state like coma. Happy Friday!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Try something new!

Good morning!! I just wanted to reach out to you and encourage you to try something new! Maybe you have always wanted to do something but where never sure you could or how to go about it, I say now is the time :) Pray about it, read up on it, gather information, get a friend on board for support and go for it!!
Happy Tuesday!!!!